Often people see pursuing a musical instrument to something you have to do day in day out relentlessly. Kind of like when you’re training to do a marathon. You keep going every day maybe you have a break or two once in awhile but otherwise you have to keep training. It’s time for us to realise that learning in life doesn’t quite happen that way. And learning isn’t a linear progression either. Often times from keep pushing something relentlessly we get stuck we get , dispassionate and we get burnt out.
Sometimes it’s good to take a break. For example remember that relationship when you really felt like a break do you good but you just kept going instead. And religious ended up going nowhere. And ending probably earlier than it would’ve done otherwise.
Feeling guilty
We don’t have to feel guilty about taking a little break from your guitar playing. You can always go back to it later could be a day to be weak. Sometimes a holiday is nice. It’s like when you really really passionate about your job. But still taking holiday once in awhile slice, and then you can come back and see your colleagues and feel happy about it. You know the saying that absence makes the heart grow Fonder. That’s the same with the guitar too.
How about some things you can do during your break to make things more exciting for when you get back to motivate you to to get back rather than this being a permanent break that you never get back to.
Listen to Music
For example listening to guitar music that you enjoy I may want to play on the guitar. Or you could be looking up YouTube videos of your favourite artists, musicians, guitarists.
Lookout for local communities and schools that might have jam sessions available for you to get back into. Maybe take the pressure off you know practising the guitar but actually just playing for fun for a little while. Rather than seeing us in pursuit of learning just enjoy the journey. That can be one way of you taking a break that’s still enjoyable and put a little less pressure on your mind.
There are many ways that we can learn and grow our skills.
Taking different music lessons
You could try taking some piano lessons and expanding your range. It might be interesting to see how music theory is learnt from a different perspective. Other things are very difficult are playing is taking some singing lessons. You might not realise it but actually being up to sing know knows that you’re playing and what you want to create out of your head onto the guitar. A skill that singers use all the time to create music. Can actually be very beneficial for your guitar playing. Another part of that is improving your ear as well, which singing lessons will do for you.

I hope this has given you some ideas on what to do if you thinking of taking a break from it all. Please don’t feel guilty about it you can always go back to it in a week a month few months. And you might actually get a refresh perspective after your little break.