Why you should learn music theory for guitar.
Why is it important to learn music theory for guitar.
A lot of guitarists get by with just understanding what shapes they need to play on the fretboard and learning to play songs that way.
And while you can do that.
Once you understand at least a basic understanding of music theory, you can make playing the guitar, a lot more fun.
Songwriting on the guitar
For example, if you ever want to create your own songs. Once you know what the chords are that you’re playing. It’s a lot easier for you to start playing around with those chords and creating your own music.
Music as a language
The other side of music theory is that music is a language. Part of that language is understanding the alphabet of language, these are what we call notes. Once you know the notes on your fretboard and on the guitar. Then it’ll make it a lot easier for you to start building the foundation of understanding how music works, which means then you’ll be able to communicate with others.
When you’re playing the guitar and being able to song right and understand what you’re actually playing. Understanding music theory means you get a lot more fulfilment when it comes to learning the guitar.
Rather than feeling like a copy cat and just following tutorials on YouTube.
Jamming with other people
It’s also important if you ever want to jam and play with other people as well. The more you understand music, the easier it is to communicate with others. And be able to jam with them.

I think it’s very easy to feel like a fraud as a musician if you don’t know music theory. So it’s best to invest some time into understanding music. So that you can enjoy playing it even more.
I hope these thing shave given you some ideas on why it’s important to work on your music theory.